The Sea: Between Speech and Language

It has now been three weeks post thesis exhibition and I am finally posting about it. I have been editing images for that last few days and posted the best ones to my work page. Thanks to everyone who helped make the show possible and who came out to celebrate with me for the reception. … [Read more…]

Gallery Update

  Day 3 or 4 I can’t remember now we have been so busy. Day 4 or 5. The gallery is now ready for art work as of today, day 6 of the process. Unfortunately I didn’t snap any photos with my phone but maybe I can get a few tomorrow. The space now looks … [Read more…]


Last week my family and I were in Los Angeles for the College Art Association Conference. It was a busy and intense week for my partner and I but we managed to meet up with friends and visit some museums. It’s good to be back home. Now it’s time to make some major progress on … [Read more…]

wordscape III

As I had mentioned in my last post I have new work in a show that opened a week ago last Friday. In case you don’t remember the opening was at The Majestic Galleries in Nelsonville Ohio. I spent the better part of my day yesterday documenting the work. The scale of the space I … [Read more…]


The last month and a half have been really busy for me, with classes starting up and lots of deadlines personal and otherwise. About two and a half weeks ago the graduate students from the Sculpture and Expanded Practice department had a show at the Esther Allen Greer Museum in Rio Grade, Ohio. Below are … [Read more…]


In the spirit of the new year I am taking a moment to reflect on the research gathered by my family and I for my upcoming thesis show. Here’s to a new year filled with productivity and fun! 

Seigfred Gallery OU

Working on documentation of work  in the Seigfred Gallery at Ohio University. It’s winter break here and a perfect time to take advantage of the art building. Not to mention it’s great just to be in the empty gallery as I will be installing my thesis show in this space in the spring. Eliot was … [Read more…]