Gallery Update


Day 3 or 4 I can’t remember now we have been so busy.

Day 4 or 5.

The gallery is now ready for art work as of today, day 6 of the process. Unfortunately I didn’t snap any photos with my phone but maybe I can get a few tomorrow. The space now looks great and we have a lot of friends to thank for that. There was a point when I questioned the whole process but I am so glad we went through with our plans.

Robert Howsare’s MFA Exhibition open’s March 26th with an artist reception on the 28th 6-9pm at Ohio University Art Gallery, Seigfred Hall, Athens.

My Exhibition opens the week after, April 2nd I defend my thesis and April 3rd is the Opening Reception. We have a busy two more weeks of thesis, thesis, thesis. It’s going to be nice when we are done with our shows and can just help our friends when they need it with their work.